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Wipro Consumer Care Charter on CSR
At Wipro Consumer Care, it is our conviction that the engagement with social issues must be deep, meaningful and formed on the bedrock of long term commitment; for that is the only way by which real change can happen on the ground. This is also reflective of the fact that such an approach serves both, enlightened business interest and social good. We run our social programmes on a strong foundation of ethical principles, good governance and sound management. This includes, inter-alia, holding ourselves up to public scrutiny through a framework of transparent, rigorous reporting.
We are committed to further capacity building, empowerment of communities, inclusive socioeconomic growth, environment protection, promotion of green and energy efficient technologies, development of backward regions and upliftment of the marginalized and underprivileged sections of the society.
Wipro Consumer Care is committed to operate and grow its business in a socially responsible way. Our vision is to grow our business whilst reducing the environmental impact of our operations and increasing our positive social impact.